Friday, June 11, 2010

Friday, June 11, 2010
50 Years on Woodbine Drive

The green shuttered house at 2911 Woodbine Drive has actually been there for 60 years. But it is the family that presently owns that has been there at least 50 years.

This home is a stones throw from Edgemont Village in heart of the District of North Vancouver and was built in 1950. The owner was D. Shattock and the construction cost was $10,000. In 1955 Robert L. and Roberta E. J. Wilson were the owners.

But by 1961 the Caesar family had moved into the Woodbine Drive home. They not only moved in but applied for a building permit for a $300 carport. Robin L. Caesar and his wife Judy/Judith are listed in the Building Permit books as living there through 1996. And they are listed in the North Vancouver Phone Books as continuing to live there in 2008. However, only J. Caesar is listed at that address in the 2010 phone book.

In 1961 Robin Caesar was employed as a forester at C. D. Schultz and Co. In 1971 he was the operations manager at C. D. Schultz and Co. From 1980 to 1996 Robin L. Caesar is listed as the president of R. L. Caesar and Associates Ltd. In 1995/96 Judith Caesar is also employed at R. L. Caesar and Associates Ltd., as the office secretary.

Demolition Permit: Applied for in June 2010.
Photo: Taken in June 2010 by SW.