Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010
The Tall Cedars of Trenton

A row of stately Cedar trees borders the street side of the 1957 home at 3907 Trenton Place. The house on the west side of the street sits on the curve leading up from the corner with Glenview Crescent . All this is tucked away a block from Highland Blvd. and nestled along Mosquito Creek. Mosquito Creek itself originates in Lynn Headwaters Regional Park north of both Grouse Mountain and Mount Fromme. The creek flows down through North Vancouver District through the neighborhoods of Forest Hills, Delbrook and Capilano Highlands and into the City of North Vancouver. Here it empties into Burrard Inlet at Bewicke Park.

J. Kaliski built the house on the sloping lot of the mountain side for $12,000. Louise and Jacob, a notary public continued to live there at least until 1960. By 1970 J. M Cambell was the owner. And Mrs. Jeannine Campbell, a court reporter for the B. C. Government Attorney General live there in 1980 as well. Again new owners are listed in the 1991 City Directory, Jenny and Malcom McLaws.

It will be interesting to see what use of the sloping lot is made with the building of the new house, and if the tall Cedars still stand.

A Demolition Permit was applied for December 2009.
Photo: January 3, 2010.