Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The grey stucco house with the white shutters at 971 Hampshire Road has been sold to a developer and a Demolition Permit applied for. As with many houses off Highland Blvd. in the area of Forest Hills in North Vancouver District, it is one storey and built on a cement slab. Also, typical of many of these homes, the carport garage originally on the east side of the house has probably been filled in to make an extra room. The open carport can be seen on several of the other homes on this street. The multi paneled glass front door adds a welcoming feature.

The building permit for the original house was applied for in 1953. P. Bergen the owner of the lot had a $10,000 premises constructed. Two years later, in 1955, S.N.L. and Jean M. Andrews were the owners. S. N. L. was employed as a parts salesman at Vancouver Motors. But after that the whole story of the house is the "Morrison Story". Doug and Margaret E. were owners by 1960. Doug was the vice president of the London Shop. By 1970 he was president of the London Shop Ltd. with its address of 801 West Georgia Street. There are records in the City Directory of him continuing to be president of The London Shop through 1996. In this year, 1996, James and Jane Beveridge were also living in the house. James S. worked as an engineer at Yoneda and Associates, and Jane was a teachers aide at Maplewood Elementary School.

Demolition: Permit applied for in April 2010.
Photo: Taken in April 2010 by SW.